
industrial salt

Industrial salt is one of the most important and widely used materials in a variety of sectors. There is an increasing demand for industrial salt due to the various uses of salt in the industry. Its application areas include a wide range of industrial sectors, including snow melting, petroleum, chlorine and chemical industries.
Raw Marine Salt

Raw Marine salt produced by Sina Salt Salines Produced according to the latest scientific methods

through the process of solar evaporation of brine.
Specifications .
Sodium chloride 96.5% — 97.5 % by weight.
Insoluble matters 0.3%max by weight.
Moisture 3 — 4%max by weight.
Calcium 0.2% – 0.4%max
Magnsuim 0.25% – 0.6%max

Washed Marine Salt

Washed marine salt Extracted from sea water by solar evaporation. With a small amount of insoluble matters

 White Crystals with variable size. Used in some industries. produced according to the international specifications.

tablet salt

water softener devices are used in most industrial plants today that devices used a resin which will be

reactivated by salt solution from tablet salt & Granular salt. according to international specifications. Activates water-softening units to help washer avoiding the effects of hard water (Tap water). Protects kitchen utensils and the washer itself from the residues of calcareous.
Specifications Sodium chloride 99% – 99.5% by weight.
Insoluble matters, Soluble matters., 1%max by weight.
Moisture 0.2%max by weight.
Calcium 0.04% – 0.08%max.
Magnsuim 0.05% – 0.1%max



Crushed Marine Salt

De icing salt. Snow melting is one of the most used applications of salt for roads, sidewalks, and other surfaces,

which can become dangerous if the ice layers can all benefit from the use of rock salt to remove ice to prevent or delay the formation of ice, where ice melting salt is sprayed on the roads to generate a layer of brine before freezing Surface.
The company has the capabilities to achieve all volumetric specifications of crushed salt
 because the company owns a volumetric crusher and a volumetric sifting unit to achieve all specifications of the crushed salt used to melt snow in Europe and America with the possibility of adding an anti-caking agent according to customer demand.for all Sizes.
Sodium chloride( dry basis.) 96% – 97% max by weight.
Insoluble matters 0.1 -0.3max by weight.
Moisture 2% – 4%max by weight.
Calcium 0.2 –0.45%max.
Magnsuim 0.4 – 0.75max.

Siwa Salt

De icing salt. Snow melting is one of the most used applications of salt for roads, sidewalks, and other surfaces,

The company owns Saline in Siwa Oasis with annual capacity 300000MT.
to produce Rock salt used in melting snow in Europe and America. The company owns the necessary equipment to provide all volumetric specifications. (volumetric screening unit & crusher unit.

Sodium chloride 98 % min by weight.
Moisture 1.5% max by weight.
Calcium 0.25 % – 0.4 %max.
Magnsuim 0.05% – 0.1% max

food grad salt

Salt Is The Basic Ingredient Of Life And Taste

We are proud to offer our high quality table salt that is rich in calcium, magnesium and other essential minerals that keep you energized all day long
Fine refined salt
(Table Salt)

High quality Fine white Crystal. Refined&Sterilized. Produced according to international specifications.

Grain Size; All pass through 1.18mm mesh with tolerance 5%
Sodium Chloride (dry basis) 99 % _99.5%by weight.

Insoluble matters.
0.1 – 0.15%by weight.
0.05 – 0.2% by weight.
Potassium Iodate.
30 -70ppm.  or customer request
25kg or 50kg or 1000kg
or package could be at customer request.

Course salt

High quality course white Crystal. Refined&Sterilized. Produced according to international specifications.

Grain Size; All pass through 2.8 mm mesh with tolerance 5% According to the EOS .   
Sodium Chloride (dry basis) 99 % _99.5%by weight.

Insoluble matters.
0.1 – 0.15%by weight.
0.05 – 0.2% by weight.
Potassium Iodate.
30 -70ppm.  or customer request
25kg or 50kg or 1000kg
or package could be at customer request

Granular Salt
(over size)

Is used for activating ionic exchangers to remove water hardness

of dish washers that used in hotels, hospitals, home, and made according to international specifications. Activates water-softening units to help washer avoiding the effects of hard water (Tap water). Protects kitchen utensils and the washer itself from the residues of calcareous.
Sodium chloride 99%min by weight.
Insoluble matters, Soluble matters., 1%max by weight.
Moisture 0.2%max by weight.
Calcium 0.04% – 0.08%max.
Magnsuim 0.05% – 0.1%max   
25kg or 50kg or 1000kg
or package could be at customer request    

Super fine salt

Pure White Salt refine free flow fine powder salt. *Color, Pure White. Packaging, 25kg, 50kg, big bags. *Physical state, Powder.

*Moisture, 0.5%max.
Calcium , (0.3 %max).
Magnsuim ,(0.2 % max).
Sulphate , ( 0.8 %max).
NaCl , 98%min.
PH (10%soln.) 6 – 8.

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